Monday, September 22, 2008

Giant Bugs and Dragon Tails – Days 17 & 18

Here's a recap of some of the highlights from Thursday and Friday as our third week of renovations drew to a close:

While the windows in Iway were sectioned off for replacement,

bugs seemed to fly freely from the giant window on the South Street side of the building.
Only one escaped...
And the window crew worked in
close proximity to Nori's posterior.

Dave finished emptying the fish tanks (our notorious newts will return later)

and the tanks were removed – new aquariums will take their place over the next few weeks.

The exhibit crew did initial work in Coming to Rhode Island to prepare for rebuilding the galleries, including widening the entrance to the ship from the Time Tunnel.

And graphic designer Valerie Haggerty-Silva did some repairs to the descendant children who welcome visitors to the Time Tunnel – and had a bonding moment with them in the garden!


  1. I love this blog! It is so exciting to read about the museum's progress. What a fantastic way to keep everyone who loves the museum in the know!

  2. Thanks, Laura, and everyone else who's left a comment! Glad to know that you're enjoying the blog.


  3. LOL. That's hilarious! Oh how I miss PCM!
