Friday, January 23, 2009

Inspiration from MLK

Monday was an amazing day, full of inspiring moments and stories. Here are just a few of the many shared by Museum staff:

"I was walking through the Story Center when I saw four girls (ages 4-7) squished on the couch. They were looking through books, trying to decide what to read. They were talking about Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama when I asked if they would like me to read to them. One little girl, about age five, held up a book about President Obama and said “This one, please.” I just thought it was so wonderful to see children so young that were interested in such important figures. Later, the same four girls were gathered around the Story Center talk back board discussing their hopes and dreams. One of these was for black and white children to be able to play together. "

– Molly Russell, AmeriCorps Museum Educator

"I was standing outside the performance as people were leaving, wearing my red “What does discrimination feel like?” tag. A woman stopped on her way out and said to me, “What does discrimination feel like? . . . Do you want to know?” . . . So she told me, “It feels terrible. It feels like you’re sick.” (She put her hands on her stomach.) And after that she said something I don’t exactly recall but it was like, you have to explain to people that discrimination feels bad and it becomes your job to explain to people why they shouldn’t discriminate when you shouldn’t have to bear that burden."

–Miranda Elliott Rader, AmeriCorps Museum Educator

"I was at the Jovo table, and engaged a couple of kids in conversation about the performance they had seen and about MLK. One boy said he was important because he made it so that people could have equal rights. I asked him if MLK Jr. did this on his own, and the boy said no, he did it with the help of lots of people – that lots of people working towards a goal can make great things happen."

–Kate Jones, AmeriCorps Museum Educator

And, in the
Story Center, visitors were asked "What are your hopes and dreams for America? What can you do to help them come true?" Here are some of the responses left by kids of all ages – and adults:

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