Thursday, September 17, 2009

Play a part to help build two new exhibits!

You can play a part!
Help us build two exciting new
play and learning environments.

With the success of our $1.5 million Play Works Campaign for Kids, the Children's Museum will increase capacity to serve record numbers of visitors by opening two exciting new play and learning environments in The Children's Garden in June.

The Climber
A safe and challenging 22-foot climbing
adventure and a dramatic work of public art
that prompts kids to go outside and play!


An imaginative underground environment where subterranean explorers discover roots, tunnels and critters' burrows and learn about the natural world.

We've achieved more than half of our campaign goal and now we need YOU to Play a part! to help raise the rest - and secure a $150,000
Kresge Challenge grant by March 31.

Click here to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. I just "clicked here to learn more," and I see that the Uno's promotion is one day only: October 18. Let's spread the word that that's the day to take the coupon for dinner at Uno's!
