Monday, May 31, 2010

Up There and Under WHERE?

That’s what our new play spaces, The Climber and Underland, are affectionately known as by Museum director Janice O’Donnell. (She tried to convince us that Underland should actually be called “Under where?” because kids would love it. I'm sure she's right, but it doesn't have quite the same effect...)

It was another action-packed week in The Children’s Garden with a lot of progress made. Here’s what’s been going on:

The Climber’s platforms were added one by one

And its colorful “hat” arrived on Saturday.

Now it’s just the detailed finishing touches: meshing the interior and exterior cabling with tiny rings to make it extra safe. (Fun fact: there are over 2 miles of cable in The Climber, which will be joined by more 20,000 rings!)

In Underland news, the crew finished the cave painting and sanded down the exposed “roots,” which gives the environment even more of an underground feel.
Crew member Kinga hard at work

Chris and Zach hung one of the Underland signs

and intricate chandeliers created from tree roots wired with LED lights. They look like roots poking in from above ground and illuminate the cave with a gentle, twinkling light.

AmeriCorps members helped by sorting natural materials – some of the “loose parts” that kids will use in their pretend play.

And today, sculptor Chris Kane’s giant bronze bunny arrived and was put into place at the cave’s entrance, where it will greet visitors as they venture into Underland.

Check out this Providence Journal video by Sandor Bodo for a look at the process of finishing the bunny and for a behind-the-scenes look at Underland from Exhibit Designer Chris Sancomb.

More detail work to Underland over the next few days – stay tuned!


  1. Looking fabulous! It's been such fun to watch the progress through your reports on this blog.

  2. This is SO exciting! Great article, I love how you are documenting the entire process!

  3. Thanks, guys! Meg, I'm so glad to hear from you - and to know about your blog. Hope all is well!

  4. These are great pictures! I can't wait to hear about all the different ways kids play in the new exhibits. Thanks for the updates!
