Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reflections on a Year of Service

This week, we celebrated a year of remarkable service and the graduation of MuseumCorps, the Museum’s AmeriCorps team.  There’s so much the Museum simply could not do without the hard work and passion of these dedicated individuals.

Museum staff shared why they appreciate and admire our AmeriCorps members:

“I appreciate that their year of service enables the Museum to provide enriching experiences to low-income children and families and to Head Start teachers and community site staff.”
– Jennifer Laurelli, Director of Development
 “They are fun, creative, helpful and friendly. Thanks for playing with my boys and brightening our days!”
– Shannon Doherty, Visitation Specialist

“I'm grateful for the amazing energy and the positive attitudes they bring to our Museum visitors!  They spread joy and inspire us all to wonder what if?’”
– Valerie Haggerty-Silva, Graphic Designer

“MuseumCorps members enable the Museum to provide direct programming to nearly 2,000 children in the most under-resourced neighborhoods. There is no way we could have that kind of impact without them. Every child deserves to have a Carolina or a Sam or a Cassi to pay special attention to their learning. Because AmeriCorps is training and service program, members are here to learn as well to serve. I appreciate their commitment to try new things, to get better and better, and to create the best experiences for children.”
– Cathy Saunders, Director of Education

“Self-esteem research shows that all a child really needs to succeed in school and become a lifelong learner is a connection with one caring adult.  Every year we get to introduce 13 more caring adults to the children of our community. With AmeriCorps we are able to live this quote from Ann Frank:  ‘Isn't it wonderful knowing that we don't need to wait one more day to change the world?’”
– Mary Scott Hackman, Early Childhood Programs Coordinator

Our sincere thanks and congratulations to Bonnie, Carolina, Cassi, Cassy, Dylan, Jackie, Julie, Kerrie, Kirsten, Lauren, Lyndsey, Rachel and Sam!

A collage commemorating the team's year of play and learning.


  1. Cassandra Kane, MuseumCorps EducatorAugust 20, 2011 at 7:03 PM

    I can’t help but feel extremely proud reflecting on the 22,000 hours we spent individually and as teams facilitating outreach programs, providing superior service to Museum visitors and conducting projects alongside Museum staff. Yes, it’s true that through AmeriCorps I have experienced life in a new city, developed a professional network, gained valuable teamwork and organizational skills, made wonderful friendships, and earned an education award to reduce loan debt. But most significantly, I’ve learned that “making a difference” is not just this chimerical phrase found in mission statements and on colorful brochures. It really can happen.

    It’s wonderfully rewarding knowing that the 13 of us have all impacted a child in some unique way, whether it was introducing Head Start children to the difference between “low” and “high” sounds or showing elementary school students how to create art with ordinary magnets in a Learning Club, or just serving as a listening ear to a second-grader in the Pawtucket Child-Opportunity Zone. I know I can speak for all of my teammates in saying we feel incredibly honored to have played such positive, important roles making the Museum accessible to ALL children and families.

  2. Belated Congrats to all the graduates of the Museum's AmeriCorps team. I'm so happy on you guys.
