Monday, September 26, 2011

Scenes of Summer

As summer officially drew to a close, Museum staff shared some of their favorite moments seen and heard this summer:

"Mine was definitely when I took a photo of a group of 11 or so children sitting on Estrella's lap. All of the children were cousins. Their moms and dads chose the Museum as the meeting ground for their family reunion. I was touched that our Museum was the special spot for this moment in their lives, and I was thrilled to see so many related and smiling faces fitting comfortable in 'the chair lady's' lap."
–Leiana Hawkins, Visitor Services & Volunteer Manager

"The happy intensity of the bright summer sun beaming into the atrium ramp way seemed to be reflected by a family - two parents and three children - coming down the ramp: hand in hand, with wide smiles, bobbing steps, swinging arms and laughter. Natural joy inside and out!"
–Jennifer Laurelli, Director of Development

"A young man who seemed to have developmental challenges and visual impairments sat in the sand pit for a long time, scooping up sand and slowly pouring it out over his outstretched hand, over and over again. He looked so completely content, lost in the calming sensuous experience."
–Janice O’Donnell, Executive Director

And some other favorite fun included creating colorful chalk art:

A rollicking visit from a local marching band:

And, of course, the opening of our new Discovery Studio. What a summer!

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