Monday, April 20, 2009

PlayWatch: Dominoes!

It was obvious that families had created some amazing snakes and spirals in the "Domino Madness" activity because at the end of the evening there were hundreds of "dominoes" scattered all over the floor of the activity room. A four-year-old and his family were the last people in the room as I started to pick up the dominoes. Dad helped by sweeping the pieces into a pile and the child joined me in putting them in the bins. He dropped a wooden block among the others in the bin, "clack." I dropped three, "clack, clack, clack." He grinned at me, dropped two, "clack, clack." I let fall two fistfuls, "clickety clickety, clack, clack." He dropped a handful, "clickety, clack clack." We had a lot of fun experimenting with the sounds we could make by dropping wooden pieces and sharing our delight just by inspiring, mimicking and smiling at each other (and getting that space cleaned up at the same time). Kids make play so easy.

This story was shared by Museum director Janice O'Donnell after the recent Head Start Family Night.
Have some playful fun with dominoes THIS Thursday
during Domino Madness from 1:00 - 3:00 PM!

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