Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Talking Back - Snow Play!

In honor of the coming snow, I wanted to share that, earlier this week, Huffington Post included "Washington's "Snowmageddon" Prompts Play in Unlikely Places," an article that talks about how playing in the snow (especially lots of snow) creates community connections, challenges kids physically, and can inspire all of us to play and explore our world in new ways. A great reminder for those of us who dread the snow and cold!

This winter in our Play Power exhibit, we've asked families how they like to play in the snow. Not surprisingly, we've gotten many similar responses. But we've also gotten a lot of wonderful illustrations - from kids and adults of ALL ages. Here's a selection of some of our favorites:
A collage of snowman drawings by kids and adults (click to see a bigger version)

Please leave a comment to share how you and your family like to play in the snow.

*Happy snow day!*

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