Monday, March 23, 2015

PlayWatch: Rigamajig

This story was shared by Experience Coordinator Maggie Dawson  

I was setting up Rigamajig and began building a contraption to use as an example. I started assembling what I thought could be the sides of a car. One of our Play Guides, Josy, came in and eagerly said that she would love to add to it. I told her that I couldn't wait to see what she created.

When I came in a half-hour later to see how the activity was going, I saw Josy working hard with two boys, approximately 5 years old. My simple car had turned into an elaborate cart with a tall pulley system affixed to the top! The boys were having so much fun and were excited about making it taller and adding ropes and more wheels. Josy was wonderful and enthusiastic about their creation as well.

I loved seeing how adding more minds and creative ideas resulted in a completely different structure than what I initially imagined. Moreover, it was impressive to see how one of our Play Guides could foster imagination and encourage two young visitors to build something awesome!

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